[lxc-users] storage pool on zfs root not possible ?

support at translators.at support at translators.at
Wed Nov 22 10:37:06 UTC 2017

	hi folks,

	have a zfs-root-raid system with
	dedicated zfsroot/opt partitioned.
	upon zfs-root running ubuntu 16.04 lts.
	already installed snap-lxd.

	now want to attach containers to zfsroot/opt.
	no chance because of : 	
	«error: custom loop file locations are not supported»

	then tried
	lxc storage create testpool dir source=zfsroot
	«error: custom loop file locations are not supported»

	any idea?


	ps.: if you run zfs-root with auto-snapshots and so on,
	why do lxd nesting zfs storage in those tricky ways?
	other way round:
	wouldn't it be better during «lxd init» to be asked whether
	you want to have zfs additionally or not? plain <dir> is
	not the answer. basically it doesn't matter what you choose
	everythings will be in the /var/snap/lxd - cage. the
	consequences are put lxd on extra disk. but what when
	not possible?

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