[lxc-users] LXD 2.4.1 - Trouble with Cloud Init

Serge E. Hallyn serge at hallyn.com
Thu Jan 26 20:00:26 UTC 2017


Scott Moser was kind enough to provide this reply:



## This is Scott Moser in reply to 
##   https://lists.linuxcontainers.org/pipermail/lxc-users/2017-January/012766.html
## The user-data you have has some problems, and is stopping it from working
## as you desire.  This script can be executed to launch an instance
## with the user-data included inside it, and will show it functioning
## correctly.
## I did not test, but assume that updating profile accordingly will get you
## the behavior you're after.
## Scott

## changes from your user-data
# 'sudo' is a string, you had it as a list.
# 'write_files':
#    - changed path to /root/ (there is no '~' in this scenario, cloud-init
#      could possibly interpret that as the default user, but it does not.
#    - files are created before users are added... write files runs early
#      that means it can affect more of boot, but means it can't write
#      files owned by users who do not yet exist.
#      there is a bug/feature request for this, we could add a 
#      'write_files_late' module that ran later and could then populate 
#      created users directories.
#    - you had bad yaml in one part, the 'content' was as if it intended
#      to be included in the previous 'path', but was a new list entry.
#      basically that 'content' had no 'path'.
# with regard to no errors, you can see the issues with
#  journalctl --unit=cloud-init.service
# look for 'WARN'.  Also /run/cloud-init/result.json should report errors.
# These should get written to /var/log/cloud-init.log, but in yakkety
# you wont see them there yet. (bug 1643990)

udata=$(cat <<"EOF"
  - name: dood
    gecos: Mr Dood
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3I7VUf2l5gSn5uavROsc5HRDpZdQueUq5ozemNSj8T7enqKHOEaFoU2VoPgGEWC9RyzSQVeyD6s7APMcE82EtmW4skVEgEGSbDc1pvxzxtchBj78hJP6Cf5TCMFSXw+Fz5rF1dR23QDbN1mkHs7adr8GW4kSWqU7Q7NDwfIrJJtO7Hi42GyXtvEONHbiRPOe8stqUly7MvUoN+5kfjBM8Qqpfl2+FNhTYWpMfYdPUnE7u536WqzFmsaqJctz3gBxH9Ex7dFtrxR4qiqEr9Qtlu3xGn7Bw07/+i1D+ey3ONkZLN+LQ714cgj8fRS4Hj29SCmXp5Kt5/82cD/VN3NtHw== smoser at brickies
    sudo: 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
    groups: sudo
    shell:  /bin/bash
  - owner:  root:root
    path: /root/.bash_aliases
    content: |
      alias dir='ls -Alph --color=auto'
apt_proxy: ""

lxc launch "ubuntu-daily:$rel" "$name" "--config=user.user-data=$udata"


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