[Lxc-users] Bind mount within an LXC container

Papp Tamas tompos at martos.bme.hu
Wed Jan 30 12:24:19 UTC 2013

On 01/30/2013 01:13 PM, Ben Butler-Cole wrote:
> Hello
> I find that I can't do a read-write bind mount within a container (that is to say, the source and
> target for the mount are both within the container's own filesystem). I believe that it is being
> restricted to read-only by Apparmour.
> I understand that there are security reasons for denying bind mounts of the host filesystem into a
> container. Are there similar concerns for mounts within the container?
> Is there a way of expressing this (allow read-write bind mounts only within a container) in the
> Apparmour configuration?

Please search the list archives backt to one or two months.
It's definitely easy to setup.


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