[lxc-users] Disk space not released after deleting rootfs image

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 13 20:22:50 UTC 2013

Quoting Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] (cal.leeming at simplicitymedialtd.co.uk):
> Well this is embarrassing, I just tried on a clean `Ubuntu Precise` install
> and I was unable to reproduce the problem.
> For now this can be considered resolved, as there must be something on my
> test box which is causing the problem, I'll report back once I've found the
> root cause.
> Really sorry for wasting peoples time with this, in hindsight I should have
> checked on a clean install first, rookie mistake.

I don't think it was user error, just a hard to track down bug.
Actually my guess is that lxc (bc you just did sleep 10) wasn't
pinning the fs, but something resulting from debootstrap was.  In
the past I've seen udev tasks be started which kept me from deleting
lvm partitions with containers on them.


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