[Lxc-users] Ubuntu template questions

Papp Tamas tompos at martos.bme.hu
Thu Mar 8 08:27:15 UTC 2012

hi All,

I always created an own template with debootstrap and I used it.

Now I tried lxc-create -t ubuntu and I still have some question and 

1. I suggest ntpdate not to be installed (remove after debootstrap). 
Also I think 'update-rc.d -f ondemand remove' would be fine in the 
container. Actually I see this somewhere in the script, but I had to do 
it manually.
2. It would be nice, if a postinstall script can be called automatically
3. I think rootfs.hold file should be documented better, for example 
with a text message in it.
4. I always wanted to ask, why lxc-create command has a switch '-n' if 
it defined in the configuration anyway?
5. There are a number of custom devices, which I think by default should 
not be there. For example tun and others. Or are they necessary? Is this 
just a kind of failsafe solution for the beginning/beginners which needs 
to be tuned?
6. How can I deploy it to a custom directory? With the switch '-B' I was 
not successful. Anyway, many times I just want to create a container 
with no individual partition (volume). Now I copied it from /var/lib/lxc.
7. Why does lxc-destroy remove the container files without asking about 
it? I think is a bad idea.
8. The script creates some custom upstart config file:
lxc.conf: Why don't use lxcguest package?
ssh.conf: why is this necessary?
console.conf: It should be in the package upstart as tty[0-6].conf or in 
lxcguest package, isn't it?

9. The script just removes config files instead of using dpkg-divert:
rm -f $rootfs/etc/init/tty{5,6}.conf

chroot $rootfs /bin/bash -c 'cd /etc/init; for f in $(ls u*.conf); do mv 
$f $f.orig; done'
chroot $rootfs /bin/bash -c 'cd /etc/init; for f in $(ls tty[2-9].conf); 
do mv $f $f.orig; done'
chroot $rootfs /bin/bash -c 'cd /etc/init; for f in $(ls 
plymouth*.conf); do mv $f $f.orig; done'
chroot $rootfs /bin/bash -c 'cd /etc/init; for f in $(ls hwclock*.conf); 
do mv $f $f.orig; done'
chroot $rootfs /bin/bash -c 'cd /etc/init; for f in $(ls module*.conf); 
do mv $f $f.orig; done'


if [ $release != "lucid" ]; then
     sed -i 's/^.*emission handled.*$/echo Emitting lo/' 
         * Would not be better if there is an lxclo.conf from lxcguest? 
Than you don't need to worry about package updates.

Anyway, nice work guys. Thank you!


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