[Lxc-users] Reboot from container

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 13:58:28 UTC 2010

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:53 AM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, "fixed" is not fair as it implies anything was ever broken.
>> LXC never claimed to provide a virtual reboot function in the first place.
>> LXC is in many ways like chroot. And just like chroot, it's a low level
>> tool that you build fancier things on top of. It runs processes in a
>> namespace. It is not a full virtual hardware system like vmware. You
>> build the fancier higher level stuff on top of that yourself, such as
>> modifying the container init scripts fairly heavily to remove or modify
>> the stuff that does not work or makes no sense in the context of a
>> container. There is no boot loader or kernel or kernel modules for
>> instance, so any init scripts that deal with those need to be removed or
>> short circuited. And it's not lxc's job to do that, you have to.
>> Arranging for the host system to stop & restart a container when the
>> container requested a reboot was like that.
>> Now LXC ships with a reboot service which is a great convenience and
>> improvement, but it's not fair to to LXC to call this a fix.
> I disagree. Trying to migrate from openvz (which has a working
> reboot/shutdown inside the guest) to lxc this was one of the show
> stopper bugs / features that prevented me from using lxc in a
> production environment to replace openvz.

I guess its was not a bug but more of a missing required feature (well
at least for me).


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