[lxc-devel] Question on lxc-snapshot directory

John Peacock jpeacock at messagesystems.com
Wed Jan 8 20:43:00 UTC 2014

Hardcoding the snapshot directory to be lxcpath+snaps is somewhat
limiting.  I have mounted a btrfs subvolume on /var/lib/lxc, which works
fine; I can freely clone using btrfs snapshots in less than a second.
However, lxc-snapshot fell over completely because /var/lib/lxcsnaps was
a different filesystem, so the snapshot failed.

I wound up creating a "container" directory under /var/lib/lxc and
overriding lxcpath, so that the "containersnaps" was in the same

Would it be reasonable to create a config value for the snapshot
directory (lxcsnappath) and allow that to point to a hidden directory
under the top level lxcpath folder (which would require making lxc-ls
smart enough to ignore hidden directories)?  Alternatively, the snapshot
folder could alternatively be rootfs.snap under the container folder
itself (which is virtually guaranteed to be the same filesystem).

I would be happy to attempt a patch to make either option available.


senior software build and release engineer
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