[lxc-users] How to recover from ERROR state

Kees Bakker keesb at ghs.com
Mon Sep 24 12:03:36 UTC 2018

Same question again: what is the best approach to recover
from a container in an ERROR state?

This time it happened with Ubuntu 18.04 and LVM storage.

The steps leading to this were as follows. It's just an FYI, I don't think it
really matters, except for the stop and start.

  lvextend -L 20G local/containers_xyz
  resize2fs /dev/local/containers_xyz
  lxc stop xyz
  e2fsck -f /dev/local/containers_
  lxc start xyz

... the start command hanged.

Some output os ps auxfwww

root      6224  0.0  0.0  22912  4096 pts/1    S    sep06   0:00  |               \_ -bash
root     20900  0.0  0.0 1136140 12092 pts/1   Sl+  12:19   0:00  |                   \_ lxc start xyz
root     18157  3.5  4.2 5581444 1398904 ?     Ssl  sep12 611:36 /usr/lib/lxd/lxd --group lxd --logfile=/var/log/lxd/lxd.log
root     20918  0.0  0.0 521720 19780 ?        Sl   12:19   0:00  \_ /usr/lib/lxd/lxd forkstart xyz /var/lib/lxd/containers /var/log/lxd/xyz/lxc.conf
root     20925  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    12:19   0:00      \_ [lxd] <defunct>
root     20926  0.0  0.0 530432  7280 ?        Ss   12:19   0:00 [lxc monitor] /var/lib/lxd/containers xyz
root     20943  0.0  0.0 530432  3484 ?        D    12:19   0:00  \_ [lxc monitor] /var/lib/lxd/containers xyz

On 11-09-18 15:13, Kees Bakker wrote:
> Hey,
> Every now and then we have one or more containers in state ERROR.
> Is there a clever method to recover from that, other than
> rebooting the LXD server?
> Killing the monitor and the forkstart does help. And also a kworker
> process (kworker/u16:0) is eating up one of the CPUs with 100% load.
> lxc info gives "error: Monitor is hung"
> I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 with BTRFS. The kernel is 4.15.0-33-generic

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