[lxc-users] Move container to another storage pool

Torben Janssen torben at torben.cc
Mon May 8 17:35:19 UTC 2017

Hi All,

I started using containers with a ZFS image file for storage on the root 

Now I want to move the containers to another storage pool I just added 
as the partition is nearly full.

$ lxc storage list
|  NAME   | DRIVER |           SOURCE           | USED BY |
| lxd     | zfs    | /var/lib/lxd/disks/lxd.img | 19      |
| lxdpool | zfs    | pool/volume_lxd            | 0       |

I want to move some containers from the image (lxd.img) to the new ZFS 
volume (volume_lxd) but I cannot find any information how to do this.

How can I move a container from one storage pool to another?


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