[lxc-users] lxc exec - cp: Value too large for defined data type

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Tue Oct 4 13:30:31 UTC 2016

I'm getting a weird issue with cp used with "lxc exec container-name 
/bin/bash /some/script.sh".

/some/script.sh launches /some/other/script.sh, which in turn may run 
some other script.
One of them is copying data with cp.

In some cases, cp complains that "Value too large for defined data 
type", for example:

-> '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/phpmyadmin.conf'
-> '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf'
-> '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf'
Value too large for defined data type
Value too large for defined data type

"/vagrant/" is a bind-mount directory within LXD:

     path: /vagrant
     source: /home/vagrantvm/Desktop/vagrant
     type: disk

Anyone else seeing this?

The files are copied, just the warning is a bit strange.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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