[lxc-users] Set specific mount options for the ROOTFS

Olivier BONHOMME obonhomme+lxc at nerim.net
Mon Jun 20 11:24:32 UTC 2016


I'm trying to set up containers using LXC and i have question about how is mounted the rootfs.

I would love to start my container with some specific mount options in order to
increase a little bit the security reducing what it is possible to do directly
on the ROOTFS. That's why, I would love to apply some restrictions on the /
mountpoint like ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec.

I tried using the lxc.rootfs.options without success. So I wonder to know if it
is possible to apply such mount restrictions on the rootfs mount point. If yes,
what is the procedure ?

Thanks for your answers.

Olivier Bonhomme

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