[lxc-users] Virtual Microphone impossible

Federico Alves venefax at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 04:16:43 UTC 2015

I set up successfully a Fedora container with GUI, and shared the
PulseAudio device
lxc.mount.entry = /dev/dri dev/dri none bind,optional,create=dir
lxc.mount.entry = /dev/snd dev/snd none bind,optional,create=dir
lxc.mount.entry = /tmp/.X11-unix tmp/.X11-unix none bind,optional,create=dir
lxc.mount.entry = /dev/video0 dev/video0 none bind,optional,create=file

But I cannot figure out how to get even a fake microphone in the container,
which uses gnome 2 MATE.
Any idea? I need to use a softphone and it refuses to load without a
microphone device
This is my /dev at the host
agpgart        cpu_dma_latency  hpet          lp2                 null
rtc   sg1       tty    tty17  tty26  tty35  tty44  tty53  tty62  uinput
vcsa         vhost-net
autofs         disk             hugepages     lp3                 nvram
rtc0  sg2       tty0   tty18  tty27  tty36  tty45  tty54  tty63  urandom
vcsa1        vmci
block          dm-0             hwrng         mapper              parport0
sda   sg3       tty1   tty19  tty28  tty37  tty46  tty55  tty7   usbmon0
vcsa2        vsock
bsg            dm-1             initctl       mcelog              port
sda1  shm       tty10  tty2   tty29  tty38  tty47  tty56  tty8   vcs
vcsa3        zero
btrfs-control  dri              input         mem                 ppp
sda2  snapshot  tty11  tty20  tty3   tty39  tty48  tty57  tty9   vcs1
vcsa4        zfs
cdrom          fb0              kmsg          memory_bandwidth    ptmx
sdb   snd       tty12  tty21  tty30  tty4   tty49  tty58  ttyS0  vcs2
char           fd               log           mqueue              pts
sdb1  sr0       tty13  tty22  tty31  tty40  tty5   tty59  ttyS1  vcs3
console        fedora_skype     loop-control  net                 random
sdc   stderr    tty14  tty23  tty32  tty41  tty50  tty6   ttyS2  vcs4
core           full             lp0           network_latency     raw
sdc1  stdin     tty15  tty24  tty33  tty42  tty51  tty60  ttyS3  vcs5
cpu            fuse             lp1           network_throughput  rfkill
sg0   stdout    tty16  tty25  tty34  tty43  tty52  tty61  uhid   vcs6

and this is my /dev at the container
console  dri  full       initctl  lxc     mqueue  ptmx  random  snd
stdin   tty   tty2  tty4     video0
core     fd   hugepages  log      mapper  null    pts   shm     stderr
stdout  tty1  tty3  urandom  zero

I tried to create a .asoundrc file and create a dummy device, it my
softphone does not see any microphone device.
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