[lxc-users] make a nginx webserver in a lxc container available to the local wireless lan

Tamas Papp tompos at martos.bme.hu
Fri Dec 4 13:20:54 UTC 2015

On 12/04/2015 11:47 AM, Eldon Kuzhyelil wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using kubuntu 14.04 with lxc installed on it.I have created one 
> lxc container and installed nginx webserver in that container and 
> created a simple webpage displaying a welcome sentence.I am able to 
> get this page when i enter the (ip address of the 
> container).Now i want to display this webpage from another machine 
> connected to the same wireless LAN.i have searched the bridgng 
> techniques.But not able to do it.
> Can anybody help me in this?

There are multiple options available, eg.

1. proxy requests to the guest service
2. forward the relevant port to the guest machine


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