[lxc-users] What's the best way to copy file from host to container?

Drake Wilson drake at dasyatidae.net
Fri Apr 24 23:14:44 UTC 2015

Dan Shi wrote:
> OK, I got scp working, it's actually quite straight forward.
> Just wondering if there is other option that doesn't need container's IP?
> i.e., only need container's name. That way the container doesn't need network access.

So, you can't do that _too_ straightforwardly with SSH.  However, you can make
use of other existing mechanisms that allow for shuttling byte streams with file
contents/metadata around, and then open pipes into the container environment with

Some possibilities, which you must adjust to your needs if you use them (I haven't
tried most of these personally, just constructing them off the top of my head):

  - For single files you can do something moderately awkward along the lines of:

      <SRC-FILE lxc-attach -n CONTAINER -- sudo -u USER sh -c 'umask NOT-PERMISSIONS && exec cat >DST-FILE'

    but maybe be careful of symlink attacks, not reapplying permissions to existing
    files, etc.

  - Construct the tree of files you want to 'import' into the container, then
    do something like:

      tar -C SRC-DIR -c . | lxc-attach -n CONTAINER -- sudo -u USER tar -C DST-DIR -xvp

  - Set up a script like:

      n=$1; shift
      exec lxc-attach -n "$1" ${1+-- "$@"}

    and then use:

      rsync -a --rsh=SCRIPT SRC CONTAINER:DST

    with appropriate rsync options of course (-a preserves just about everything, but
    you might not want that; you might need -HAX, --numeric-ids, etc. depending on what
    you're trying to do; e.g., --chown could be quite useful here).

    (This could be adjusted to change to an unprivileged user, but I forget how rsync
    tells the --rsh command about that.)

  - Use SSH, with the sshd in the container running only on its loopback interface,
    and set up .ssh/config on the host with something like:

      Host CONTAINER
      ProxyCommand lxc-attach -n %h -- sudo -u nobody socat - tcp:localhost:%p

    This may play nicer with other tools as well, but it requires that an sshd still
    be active in the container even though it has no network, among other things.

> Thanks,
> Dan

   ---> Drake Wilson

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