[Lxc-users] Routing issues

Rory Campbell-Lange rory at campbell-lange.net
Tue Jun 4 16:15:59 UTC 2013

On 04/06/13, Michael H. Warfield (mhw at WittsEnd.com) wrote:
> > I'd be grateful to know if anyone has some firewall (iptables) advice for
> > allowing traffic to the container? I expect to run another firewall on the
> > container itself.
> That's probably your FORWARD chain there.  Set that policy to ACCEPT and
> flush all the rules from the FORWARD chain like this:
> iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
> iptables -F FORWARD
> FORWARD chain is going to affect packets forwarded over the host's
> bridge to the containers.  The INPUT and OUTPUT chains will affect the
> packets coming in and going out from the local host's OS interfaces.
> Depending on your distro, track down your persistent rule storage and
> make those changes permanent.  Fedora prior to firewalld (here we go
> again), RedHat, and RH derivatives (CentOS et al) are generally
> in /etc/sysconfig/iptables unless you've also installed one of the
> sundry firewall toolkits.  Ubuntu, I'm not so sure about.

I'm using Debian, and I'm using a simple ufw firewall on the host server
at present.

The iptables -L output is here:


I don't have any trouble with the firewall restarting.

Thanks very much

Rory Campbell-Lange
rory at campbell-lange.net

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