[Lxc-users] Exiting container inside a screen session

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at canonical.com
Fri Feb 1 21:08:38 UTC 2013

Quoting Martin Konečný (martin.konecny at sourcefabric.org):
> As you may know, screen overrides the shortcut Ctrl-a for it's own
> commands. I accidentally lxc-console'd into a container inside screen, and
> now I can't get out of it using Ctrl-a q since screen is intercepting this.
> Any tips?

1. type ctrl-a ctrl-a to tell screen you want to hit a ctrl-a

2. use screen with a different escape sequence.  I often use
	screen -e^Yy
   in a terminal, with dvtm inside that, and from there I will launch
   byobu-screen or byobu-tmux using ctrl-a, or lxc consoles, without
   having to escape.


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