[lxc-users] API documentation

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 10 22:15:30 UTC 2013

Hey again,

Second and last announcement of the day!

Thanks to the work of James Hunt, we now have automatically generated
API documentation for liblxc using doxygen.

Just like with the android build, that documentation is updated hourly
when new commits reach git master and is published at:

I also added a minimal man2html for all of our manpages.
All of that should come in handy to anyone who wants to write tools or
bindings using liblxc.

At this point, we don't have auto-generated binding documentation,
though I believe most if not all supported languages support some kind
of introspection, including some help in their function definitions.
However, I'd love to see some automatically generated user friendly
documentation there too (generated API documentation + examples).

So if anyone is looking for something to do, here's a good place to
start ;)

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer
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