[Lxc-users] How to enable debug for view why lxc containers not auto start in ubuntu 12.04?

Vladimir Skubriev vladimir at skubriev.ru
Fri Dec 6 05:41:08 UTC 2013


We used ubuntu lts.

Sorry for details, but I hope this bring on another error.

Recently i am experimenting with full server backup as rebuilding raid 1 
array of 2 sata disks to sata disk connected via usb 3.0 dock station

And about 20 percent of rebuild ext4 driver in kernel began reporting 
filesystem write/read errors. This server is in production use and 
generate average amount of I/O load, instead of other trial server (when 
i am experimenting with this type of backup)

Trial server  - is just standalone ubuntu 12.04 clean install (this 
error doesn't lead to problems with filesystems but still occurred too).

I stopped mdadm rebuild proccess and detach reserv hdd because 
containers are hang and services running in this containers stopped 

I reboot server, and containers doesn't auto start normally.

When I do: lxc-list writes that they are started, but init processes of 
this containers are absent in the process list by ps.

Only lxc-start -d -n container_name processes are started without any 
tree with init and appropriate processes of normal running system.

If i stopped each container by lxc-stop -n container_name and then start 
it manually by lxc-start -d -n container_name it normally starts and 

Reboot the server and get not working containers.

How to enable debug for view why lxc containers not auto start in ubuntu 
12.04 properly?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Vladimir Skubriev

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