[Lxc-users] Can not write log, openpty() failed

christian mueller christian.mueller7 at gmx.de
Tue Jan 24 11:31:05 UTC 2012


i wanted to try out LXC and tried to create an LXC instance on ubuntu 11.10.

To do so I followed this guide:


and finally executed:

lxc-create -n myfirstcontainer -f lxc.conf -t ubuntu -- - path=/home/chm/lxc/myfirstcontainer/

and received the following error message:

Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)

Additional Information:
- /dev/pts is mounted on my host system
- when i try to start the new machine
lxc-start --logfile=/var/log/lxc --logpriority=INFO  -n myfirstcontainer
my hosts x-server chrashes.

Any Ideas what went wrong?


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