[Lxc-users] how to mount inside of running container

Arie Skliarouk skliarie at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 14:50:54 UTC 2011

I managed to mount the partition! For that the procedure looks as follows:

   1. On the master:

   mkdir /share/containerX
   mkdir /var/lib/lxc/containerX/rootfs/share
   mount -t tmpfs share /share/containerX
   mount --make-rshared /share/containerX

   cat >> /var/lib/lxc/containerX/fstab << EOF
   /share/containerX /var/lib/lxc/containerX/rootfs/share none bind 0 0

   2. On the container: modify the /etc/rc.local to remount the /share
   directory with slave option enabled:
   mount --make-slave /zfs

The only problem remains is that the partitions mounted under /share are
unmounted the moment the container is shut down. Is there a "clean" way to
avoid that?


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 15:27, Arie Skliarouk <skliarie at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the instructions, but looks I did something wrong.
> If I create files on the /shared/containerX, they appear properly in
> the container's /shared directory. If I create a directory in the
> /shared/containerX directory and mount some other partition onto that
> /shared/containerX/an_partition directory, the partition's content
> appear empty inside of the container. It shows properly though on the
> host machine.
> Aren't --make-rshared and --make-rslave counterexclusive?
> --
> Arie
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 20:26, Serge E. Hallyn
> <serge.hallyn at canonical.com> wrote:
>> Quoting Arie Skliarouk (skliarie at gmail.com):
>>> I want to bind-mount an directory inside of a running container.
>>> If I mount the directory using bind mount, the container does not see
>>> files in it.
>>> It is important to me to be able to do the mounts and umounts from the
>>> host machine, as we are dealing with LVM snapshots.
>> If it's ok to do it ahead of time, then you can use mount entries in
>> your config file.
>> If you want to be able to just manually run the mount command from
>> the host at any time, then you'll need to create a directory for
>> the sharing and mount that into your container ahead of time.  For
>> instance,
>> mkdir /share/containerX
>> mkdir /var/lib/lxc/containerX/rootfs/share
>> mount -t tmpfs share /share/containerX
>> mount --make-rshared /share/containerX
>> mount --make-rslave /share/containerX
>> cat >> /var/lib/lxc/containerX/fstab << EOF
>> /share/containerX /var/lib/lxc/containerX/rootfs/share none bind 0 0
>> EOF
>> lxc-start -n containerX -d
>> Now when you mount something under /share/containerX, it will show
>> up under /share in the container.  I.e.
>> -serge
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