[Lxc-users] getting output from lxc-start?

Trent W. Buck twb at cybersource.com.au
Wed Feb 2 00:21:48 UTC 2011

Dean Mao <deanmao at gmail.com> writes:

> The log file produced by lxc-start doesn't really resemble the output
> generated from the container boot.

The output of container's /dev/console is emitted to stdout by default.
You can direct it to a file in your .conf:

    lxc.console = /var/log/lxc/foo.console

If that output doesn't resemble native booting, it might simply be that
you aren't seeing output from the kernel, udev, mount -a/mountall, &c --
because those systems don't run in the container.

Ubuntu, at least, does not log very much to /dev/console by default.  In
particular, it emits output for sysvinit jobs (e.g. slapd, apache2), but
not upstart jobs (e.g. rsyslog, ssh, squid).

Or if your container isn't working, that could be the cause :-)

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