[Lxc-users] File sharing between host and container during startup

Gordon Henderson gordon at drogon.net
Sun Jun 6 20:46:34 UTC 2010

On Sun, 6 Jun 2010, Nirmal Guhan wrote:

> I want to run my application on fedora as a container and use the libraries
> (/lib, /usr/lib) from the host (so my application container size is small).
> I did lxc-create but lxc-execute failed (I had sent a mail earlier on this).
> Suggestion was to use lxc-start itself and run as system container.
> I changed the fstab file and could share the lib directory.
> Please let me know if there are better solution for my use case. I would
> like to try it too.

You can "import" directories from the host into a contianer using bind 

For example, I have this in some of my systems - this is the fstab file 
named in a container config file:

none /vservers/vdsx10/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
none /vservers/vdsx10/proc    proc   defaults 0 0
none /vservers/vdsx10/sys     sysfs  defaults 0 0
none /vservers/vdsx10/dev/shm tmpfs  defaults 0 0

#/usr                           /vservers/vdsx10/usr/                           none    defaults,bind,ro 0 0
/usr/lib/asterisk               /vservers/vdsx10/usr/lib/asterisk               none    defaults,bind,ro 0 0
/var/lib/asterisk/moh           /vservers/vdsx10/var/lib/asterisk/moh           none    defaults,bind,ro 0 0
/var/lib/asterisk/sounds        /vservers/vdsx10/var/lib/asterisk/sounds        none    defaults,bind,ro 0 0

The first 4 lines ought to be faimilar, but the bottom ones are ones I use 
which are common over all containers on that host.

/usr is commented out here - can't remember why - I'd need to go back 
through my notes for this instance, but it's sunday night here....


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