[Lxc-users] umount filesystems on container shutdown

lxc at zitta.fr lxc at zitta.fr
Thu Apr 1 06:02:58 UTC 2010

Le 01/04/2010 06:48, Michael H. Warfield a écrit :
> On Thu, 2010-04-01 at 00:10 +0200, "Matthias P. Würfl" wrote: 
>> Hi!
>> I have a filesystem mounted where all my container resides in. When i 
>> shutdown a container this filesystem is remounted ro. As far as i can 
>> tell this is done by the init-scripts of the container.
> This is actually a known problem and has been under discussion on the
> lxc-devel list recently.  I've managed to avoid this by using a bind
> mount for the rootfs in the fstab and have the rootfs point to the
> target of the bind mount.  Something like this:
> Config for container 1000:
> lxc.rootfs = /srv/lxc/rootfs
> lxc.mount = /srv/lxc/config/1000.fstab
> 1000.fsab:
> /srv/lxc/private/1000 /srv/lxc/rootfs    none bind 0 0
> Put your machine in /srv/lxc/private/1000.  Nothing ever actually shows
> up (to the host) in /srv/lxc/rootfs (the bind mounts are in the
> container space) but it seems to isolate the container rootfs from your
> partition and the remount doesn't seem to propagate.
> Please check the archives for the devel list for more information and
> the discussion regarding this and some related issues.
>> I can modify the init-scripts of the container, but isn't there a way to 
>> forbid the container to do things with the filesystem of the host?
>> Grüße aus Deutschland,
>> Matthias
> Mike
Talking about init scripts, I disable theses init-scripts on debian-like
containers :

halt reboot hwclock.sh hwclockfirst.sh checkroot.sh checkfs.sh
umountroot ondemand klogd

Guillaume ZITTA

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