[lxc-devel] Integration Kubernetes and LXD/LXC

Oliver Schad oliver.schad at automatic-server.com
Tue Oct 2 15:13:57 UTC 2018

On Tue, 02 Oct 2018 16:49:36 +0200
Free Ekanayaka <free.ekanayaka at canonical.com> wrote:

> I know that folks to run stateful services on k8s, PostgreSQL is one
> of those IIRC. I wouldn't expect MySQL do be fundamentally different.

Sorry, I have to repeat my point: if the container engine isn't made
to run 24/7, what includes that a container must be muteable(!), you're
out of business.

So the foundation of a stateful (and high quality) service is the
container engine.

In this area, Docker and crio-o are broken by design for that purpose.

> Although LXE might be an approach that solves your immediate needs, it
> feels like a band aid. If you haven't already, I'd recommend
> approaching the k8s team/community describing the issues that you're
> seeing when using standard CRI implementations such as
> containerd/docker and cri-o.

We did, no answer. But we know the answer for a lot of topics we
researched: the design goal was to deal without state.

All the stuff with state is just a gimmick for in fact restartable

We did a lot of kubernetes, read a lot of code, read a lot of comments
to a lot issues and the result is: 24/7 always online is *not* a design
goal of docker or crio-o, nor CRI and nor Kubernetes. But you can find
your way around with LXC/LXE and some filtering.

Best Regards

Automatic-Server AG •••••
Oliver Schad
Turnerstrasse 2
9000 St. Gallen | Schweiz

www.automatic-server.com | oliver.schad at automatic-server.com
Tel: +41 71 511 31 11 | Mobile: +41 76 330 03 47
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