[lxc-devel] Announcing LXC, LXD and LXCFS 3.0.2 bugfix releases

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 22 06:22:40 UTC 2018

The LXC/LXD/LXCFS team is happy to announce the second round of bugfix
releases for the 3.0 LTS branch of LXC, LXD and LXCFS.

This includes over two months of accumulated bugfixes as well as the fix
for the recently fixed LXC security issue (CVE 2018-6556).

The announcements for the 3 projects can be found here:

 - LXD 3.0.2: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-3-0-2-has-been-released/2505/2
 - LXC 3.0.2: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxc-3-0-2-has-been-released/2504/2
 - LXCFS 3.0.2: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxcfs-3-0-2-has-been-released/2503/2

LTS branches of those projects come with a 5 years support commitment
from upstream for security and bugfixes. The 3.0 branch is the current
LTS and is supported until June 2023.

We'd like to thank all of our contributors and our amazing community for
their contributions, bug reports and help testing those releases!

On behalf of the LXC, LXD and LXCFS teams,

Stéphane Graber
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