[lxc-devel] [PATCH] Improve the help of lxc-create

KATOH Yasufumi karma at jazz.email.ne.jp
Thu Dec 24 06:03:39 UTC 2015

* remove unavailable options (-w, -r)
* remove overlapped option (-P)
* classify options according to bdev type

Signed-off-by: KATOH Yasufumi <karma at jazz.email.ne.jp>
 src/lxc/lxc_create.c | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lxc/lxc_create.c b/src/lxc/lxc_create.c
index e72256a..689257c 100644
--- a/src/lxc/lxc_create.c
+++ b/src/lxc/lxc_create.c
@@ -130,33 +130,41 @@ static struct lxc_arguments my_args = {
 	.progname = "lxc-create",
 	.helpfn   = create_helpfn,
 	.help     = "\
---name=NAME -t template [-w] [-r] [-P lxcpath]\n\
+--name=NAME --template=TEMPLATE [OPTION...]\n\
 lxc-create creates a container\n\
 Options :\n\
-  -n, --name=NAME    NAME of the container\n\
-  -f, --config=file  Initial configuration file\n\
-  -t, --template=t   Template to use to setup container\n\
-  -B, --bdev=BDEV    Backing store type to use\n\
-  -P, --lxcpath=PATH Place container under PATH\n\
-  --lvname=LVNAME    Use LVM lv name LVNAME\n\
-                     (Default: container name)\n\
-  --vgname=VG        Use LVM vg called VG\n\
-                     (Default: lxc)\n\
-  --thinpool=TP      Use LVM thin pool called TP\n\
-                     (Default: lxc)\n\
-  --rbdname=RBDNAME  Use Ceph RBD name RBDNAME\n\
-                     (Default: container name)\n\
-  --rbdpool=POOL     Use Ceph RBD pool name POOL\n\
-                     (Default: lxc)\n\
-  --fstype=TYPE      Create fstype TYPE\n\
-                     (Default: ext3)\n\
-  --fssize=SIZE[U]   Create filesystem of size SIZE * unit U (bBkKmMgGtT)\n\
-                     (Default: 1G, default unit: M)\n\
-  --dir=DIR          Place rootfs directory under DIR\n\
-  --zfsroot=PATH     Create zfs under given zfsroot\n\
-                     (Default: tank/lxc)\n",
+  -n, --name=NAME               NAME of the container\n\
+  -f, --config=CONFIG           Initial configuration file\n\
+  -t, --template=TEMPLATE       Template to use to setup container\n\
+  -B, --bdev=BDEV               Backing store type to use\n\
+      --dir=DIR                 Place rootfs directory under DIR\n\
+  BDEV options for LVM (with -B/--bdev lvm):\n\
+      --lvname=LVNAME           Use LVM lv name LVNAME\n\
+                                (Default: container name)\n\
+      --vgname=VG               Use LVM vg called VG\n\
+                                (Default: lxc)\n\
+      --thinpool=TP             Use LVM thin pool called TP\n\
+                                (Default: lxc)\n\
+  BDEV options for Ceph RBD (with -B/--bdev rbd) :\n\
+      --rbdname=RBDNAME         Use Ceph RBD name RBDNAME\n\
+                                (Default: container name)\n\
+      --rbdpool=POOL            Use Ceph RBD pool name POOL\n\
+                                (Default: lxc)\n\
+  BDEV option for ZFS (with -B/--bdev zfs) :\n\
+      --zfsroot=PATH            Create zfs under given zfsroot\n\
+                                (Default: tank/lxc)\n\
+  BDEV options for LVM or Loop (with -B/--bdev lvm/loop) :\n\
+      --fstype=TYPE             Create fstype TYPE\n\
+                                (Default: ext3)\n\
+      --fssize=SIZE[U]          Create filesystem of\n\
+                                size SIZE * unit U (bBkKmMgGtT)\n\
+                                (Default: 1G, default unit: M)\n",
 	.options  = my_longopts,
 	.parser   = my_parser,
 	.checker  = NULL,

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