[lxc-devel] [PATCH] lxc-start-ephemeral: Fix console() and add storage option

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 8 15:04:00 UTC 2013

The introduction of the new console() python API broke
lxc-start-ephemeral's console(tty=1) call, I now changed that to
console() which does the right thing with both API versions.

This also adds a new storage-type option, letting the user choose to use
a standard directory instead of tmpfs for the container (but still have
it ephemeral).

Signed-off-by: Stéphane Graber <stgraber at ubuntu.com>
 src/lxc/lxc-start-ephemeral.in | 20 +++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lxc/lxc-start-ephemeral.in b/src/lxc/lxc-start-ephemeral.in
index 904f5ac..cb1f732 100644
--- a/src/lxc/lxc-start-ephemeral.in
+++ b/src/lxc/lxc-start-ephemeral.in
@@ -85,13 +85,17 @@ parser.add_argument("--key", "-S", type=str,
 parser.add_argument("--daemon", "-d", action="store_true",
                     help=_("run in the background"))
+parser.add_argument("--storage-type", "-s", type=str, default=None,
+                    choices=("tmpfs", "dir"),
+                    help=("type of storage use by the container"))
 parser.add_argument("--union-type", "-U", type=str, default="overlayfs",
                     choices=("overlayfs", "aufs"),
                     help=_("type of union (overlayfs or aufs), "
                            "defaults to overlayfs."))
 parser.add_argument("--keep-data", "-k", action="store_true",
-                    help=_("Use a persistent backend instead of tmpfs."))
+                    help=_("don't wipe everything clean at the end"))
 parser.add_argument("command", metavar='CMD', type=str, nargs="*",
                     help=_("Run specific command in container "
@@ -104,6 +108,16 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
 if args.command and args.daemon:
     parser.error(_("You can't use -d and a command at the same time."))
+## Check that -k isn't used with -s tmpfs
+if not args.storage_type:
+    if args.keep_data:
+        args.storage_type = "dir"
+    else:
+        args.storage_type = "tmpfs"
+if args.keep_data and args.storage_type == "tmpfs":
+    parser.error(_("You can't use -k with the tmpfs storage type."))
 ## The user needs to be uid 0
 if not os.geteuid() == 0:
     parser.error(_("You must be root to run this script. Try running: sudo %s"
@@ -190,7 +204,7 @@ LXC_NAME="%s"
         target = "%s/delta%s" % (dest_path, count)
         fd.write("mkdir -p %s %s\n" % (target, entry[1]))
-        if not args.keep_data:
+        if args.storage_type == "tmpfs":
             fd.write("mount -n -t tmpfs none %s\n" % (target))
         if args.union_type == "overlayfs":
@@ -254,7 +268,7 @@ if not dest.start() or not dest.wait("RUNNING", timeout=5):
 # Deal with the case where we just attach to the container's console
 if not args.command and not args.daemon:
-    dest.console(tty=1)
+    dest.console()

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