[lxc-devel] [Lxc-users] Request for inclusion into mainline LXC utils

Michael Holzt lxc at my.fqdn.org
Mon Jan 25 01:18:55 UTC 2010

> I just find the whole networking model in Debian to be frustrating.  It
> is probably the number 1 primary reason why I don't use Debian more and
> won't be incorporating it into future projects.

Now, this is really offtopic on this list, but i feel that you might 
have missed how flexible the debian ifupdown approach is. For all the
setup it uses scripts which can be changed or extended and you can
add your own scripts to do all kind of fancy stuff.

See for example the bridge-utils package which adds new keywords. You
might also want to see ifupdown-extra or ifupdown-scripts-zg2 to get
a feeling how easily you can create very complicated yet flebile 

I haven't played with ipv6 for some years, but i'm sure that your 
problems can be fixed without much work. For starters i would try
something like this:

interface foo inet6 manual
	pre-up ifconfig foo up

For the missing routes: Now i feel that when doing autoconfigure,
all routes should be setup by the autoconfigure process.

> I had some problems with macvlan that may have been kernel rev related,
> and I'm going to go back and retest some stuff, where I could ping and
> connect to a host container from another physical system but nothing
> worked from the host to the container.

In my test setup i used macvlan and i can connect to the container from
the host. I remember having seen that this was a problem with older
kernel versions and was fixed some time ago.

> Bridges on Fedora / RedHat are trivial to set up,

On debian they are trivial as well btw.


It's an insane world, but i'm proud to be a part of it. -- Bill Hicks

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