<p>Colin Holywell wrote:</p>
<blockquote><p>I recently upgraded the lxd installation on my Ubuntu 16.04 system. I used the lxd-stable repo to update the packages Ubuntu provides (version 2.0 I think?) to version 2.7. Everything upgraded fine but now once or twice a day the lxd process starts gobbling up a bunch of CPU time. There is nothing in the /var/log/lxd/lxd.log or syslog to indicate what it is doing. If I restart the lxd service or wait a couple hours it will stops and go back to normal.</p>
<p>Does any one know what it is doing? Can I downgrade back to the Ubuntu supplied lxd version and not loose my containers?</p></blockquote>
<p>Try connecting to the process pid with strace + see if that surfaces how to fix problem.</p>
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