<div dir="ltr"><div><i><b>Question 1:</b> lxc-attach didnt' work after restart !! Have you an idea please ?<br></i>
<i>This is a known bug that I have unfortunately not had enough time to<br>
look into. It is definitely something that needs to be fixed, though<br>
:)<br><br></i></div><span lang="en"><span>So, How to access to the</span> <span>container</span> <span>after the dumping process</span><span>?<br><br></span></span><b><br></b><div><b>
Question 3:</b> i ask what can i do to restart a container on the new <span>machine</span> ? i have just to send imgDir to the new <span>machine</span> and run the command <span>to</span> restore ? migration to another machine i mean<br><br></div><div>Thanks a lot for answer.<br></div><div>Best Regards. <br></div><span lang="en"><span><br><br></span></span></div>