<div dir="ltr">Hello,<div><br></div><div>I created container from lxc-fedora template. My operation system is Fedora 20.</div><div>The kernel is 3.14.0 x86_64. </div><div>When I start conteiner there is one fail message: </div>
<div> [FAILED] Failed to set up automount Arbitrary Executable File...utomount Point.</div><div>All another messages are "OK".</div><div>But when I try to login into I have message: "Login incorrect".</div>
<div>I tryed to chroot into rootfs directory and I have changed root's password.</div><div>But I always have this message: "Login incorrect".</div><div>SELinux is disabled in my main OS.</div><div>Could somebody help me to login into?</div>