<div dir="ltr">Greetings gentleusers and gentledevelopers,-<br><br>Okay, so the Fedora 20 discussion aside, please consider this:<br><br># lxc-create -n outer -t minimal<br># lxc-start -n outer -- bash<br>bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device<br>
bash: no job control in this shell<br>bash-4.2# lxc-create -n inner -t minimal<br>lxc-create: No such file or directory - failed to create container path for inner<br>lxc-create: Error creating container inner<br>bash-4.2# ls /lib/var<br>
ls: cannot access /lib/var: No such file or directory<br>bash-4.2# ls /var/lib<br>empty<br>bash-4.2# mkdir /var/lib/lxc<br>bash-4.2# ls /var/lib <br>empty lxc<br>bash-4.2# ls /var/lib/lxc<br>bash-4.2# lxc-create -n inner -t minimal<br>
bash-4.2# ls /var/lib/lxc<br>inner<br>bash-4.2# lxc-ls<br>inner<br><div><br></div><div>So, from this, it can be seen that the error I was experiencing had </div><div>nothing to do with namespace capability of the operating system being</div>
<div>used.</div><div><br></div><div>Instead, it was because for some reason, /var/lib/lxc does not exist</div><div>inside the container "outer".</div><div><br></div><div>My question is, is this a bug? Should lxc-create go ahead and create</div>
<div>the necessary parent lxc directory when creating the "inner" container?</div><div>Or is this strictly the responsibility of the creator of "outer"?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>-Nels</div>