Hello all,<br>
I am trying to create 3 containers and starting 3 containers. I wrote a c
program to create 3 containers and different c program to start 3
containers. As i wann to start all containers async, so forked and
execl, so that all are different process.<br>
It started the first container,but when second containers starts it asks
for login:: and passwd:: i gave both but still control remains on first
terminal and something strange happen for third terminal. It gives
error saying<br> "lxc-start: failed to set new terminal settings<br>
lxc-start: failed to create console<br>
lxc-start: failed to initialize the containe"<br>
Y is it so?<br>
I am using different conf file for each container. The only thing i changed is lxc.tty number.<br>
What might be changes in conf file to set new terminal settings.<br>
Please help me out ASAP.<br>