i have a computer with 2 cores cpu. I want to create a container with 0.5 cpu. I found that cpuset.shares means how many time cpu time it get,<br>but i don't know whether cpuset.shares point to one cpu or all cpu? <br>
if it points to one cpu, is the following configuratian right?<br>lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 0<br>lxc.cgroup.cpuset.shares = 512<br>or just write:<br> lxc.cgroup.cpuset.shares = 256 if cpuset.cpus points to all cpus, while default value is 1024<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>陈竞,中科院计算技术研究所,高性能计算机中心<br>Jing Chen <a href="http://HPCC.ICT.AC">HPCC.ICT.AC</a> China<br>